Multivocal Literature Review Protocol for theIdentification of Cybersecurity Challenges anditssolutions in the Context of Vehicle-to-VehicleCommunications from Software EngineeringPerspective


  • Naeem Ullah Software Engineering Research Group (SERG_UOM), Department of Computer Science & IT, University of Malakand, Pakistan
  • Siffat Ullah Khan Software Engineering Research Group (SERG_UOM), Department of Computer Science & IT, University of Malakand, Pakistan
  • Syed Muhammad Shakir Bukhari Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar


Transportation is a crucial aspect of our lives; it is needed, muchlike water and food, and it has an impact on our lives, but it mustbe handled by intelligent systems. As Automotive Vehicles (AVs) are depending on sensing, communication andartificial
intelligence, therefore, AVs are attractive targets for cyber-attacks. Essentially, the amount to which automotive cybersecurityisimplemented, particularly essential security that protects systemsfrom unauthorized access, determines the safety of roadusers andautomobiles. In the future, it will be entirely handled by objectsrather than people, thus, we must begin and enhance (Vehicle-to-Vehicle) V2V technology in order to increase safety. The goal of research is to conduct a systematic evaluation of the literatureinorder to identify the security issues or risks or challenges inV2Vcommunication and identification of practices/recommendations. Our present study established a Multivocal Literature Review(MLR)protocol to improve security challenges in the context of V2Vcommunication. The protocol is presently in its implementationphase to improve V2V communication. This MLR is supposedtoproduce a list of security problems, as well as solutions tothosechallenges. This will also point the way for future study in this area.

Keywords: Automotive cybersecurity, automotive vehicles, V2Vcommunication, cyber-attacks, multivocal literature review.




How to Cite

Naeem Ullah, Siffat Ullah Khan, & Syed Muhammad Shakir Bukhari. (2025). Multivocal Literature Review Protocol for theIdentification of Cybersecurity Challenges anditssolutions in the Context of Vehicle-to-VehicleCommunications from Software EngineeringPerspective. Spectrum of Engineering Sciences, 3(2), 58–89. Retrieved from