Sustainability Considerations of Clayey Soil Stabilization Techniques with OPC and Flyash
One of the most crucial elements in civil engineering is soil, mainly clayey soil made of tiny particles. Furthermore, it causes serious harm to any structure's foundation and payment. Therefore, the phrase stabilization is utilized to lessen this issue in the foundation. We stated that it must be stabilized before building anything on top of dirt. Therefore, the primary emphasis of this research study is on soil stabilization with fly ash and ordinary Portland cement (OPC). The strength and geotechnical characteristics of the soil sample were assessed in this study by treating it with OPC and fly ash in different percentages ranging from 0% to 12% at regular intervals of 3% mixed with the soil sample. Tests including the California Bearing Ratio (CBR), standard proctor compaction, unconfined compressive strength (UCS), and Atterberg Limits (plastic and liquid limit, plasticity index) were performed. The findings show that adding OPC and fly ash lowers plastic and liquid limitations. Maximum strength was achieved at 12% at OPC and fly ash after increasing the UCS and CBR. Furthermore, fly ash might stabilize the clayey soil and lessen the issue.
Keywords: Fly Ash, Unconfined Compressive Strength, California bearing ratio, Standard proctor Compaction, Clayey Soil, and Atterberg Limits.