Bridging Nature And Building Energy Demands Through Bio-Solar Green Roofs: A Review


  • Azhar Iqbal1* Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan
  • Shoaib Rauf Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan


The impact of climate change offers a critical challenging researchfor sustainability. With an increasing awareness about bio-solargreen roofs as a natural solution, a large gap still exists inknowingtheir part to get urban resilience and sustainability. The research has reviewed prevailing perspectives of bio-solar green roofs to improve urban sustainability. Our paper provides the literature review on bio-solar green roofs in the context of climate change, employing the "bio-solar green roof” and climate change"keyword in the Web of Science repository. A bibliometric analysisis used to see the trends of research from 39 published documents meeting selected criteria, like language, and type of publication type etc. Repeating subject included selected keywords like urban heat islands (UHI), thermal comfort, carbon footprints, and human well-being. This study proposes the Bio-Solar GreenRoof Framework (BSGRF), which join such ideas into a systematic way for resilience and sustainability in urban areas. The research also supports for main streaming bio-solar green roofs into adaptation planning, creating sustainable and resilient communities in line with the Sustainable Development Goals presented by United Nations.




How to Cite

Azhar Iqbal1*, & Shoaib Rauf. (2025). Bridging Nature And Building Energy Demands Through Bio-Solar Green Roofs: A Review. Spectrum of Engineering Sciences, 3(2), 249–271. Retrieved from