Sentiment Analysis of Twitter for Electoral Process: A Systematic Literature Review


  • Hamza Rauf * Department of Computer Science,Sukkur IBA University
  • Naveed Ullah Khan Department of Computer Science,Sukkur IBA University
  • Muhammad Rizwan Khaliq      Department of Computer Science,Sukkur IBA University


The pervasive use of social media made publicity of any political party so quick and inexpensive for real time election campaigning and prediction of results. Several political parties take the benefit from it with the help of sentiment analysis of social media platforms. However, our study will focus on the literature published on sentiment analysis done on twitter for election campaigning and results prediction. So, many researchers have worked on sentiment analysis of elections for social media platform, however, to best of our knowledge no one has worked on systematic literature review (SLR) for last five years. Thus, our study will review published studies on sentiment analysis of twitter forelections from January 2015 to October 2020. The review of studies will be done on four aspects as named, data collection technique, preprocessing, algorithms used in study and performance metrics. Thus, for review 7 studies are selected from 3 high quality and reliable databases namely, PubMed, ACM and Science Direct. Lastly, we have observed few limitations in the studies and suggested future directions. So, this SLR will be very much beneficial to upcoming researchers engaged in sentiment analysis of twitter for elections.

Keywords: Sentiment analysis, twitter, elections, electoral process, predicting elections, analyzing elections





How to Cite

Hamza Rauf *, Naveed Ullah Khan, & MuhammadRizwanKhaliq    . (2025). Sentiment Analysis of Twitter for Electoral Process: A Systematic Literature Review. Spectrum of Engineering Sciences, 3(2), 478–498. Retrieved from